Vlado vray
Vlado vray

vlado vray

The same thing can be done as Vlado suggest with some bloom.

vlado vray

A 2.0 bright object beside a 0.0 bright object now gets 2.0 / 1.33 / 0.66 / 0.0 so we're now starting to get a few blending pixels that aren't clipped in our normal white to black image display range. So if you use a softer anti-aliaser such as quadratic or video, the edge transition between light and dark are spread out over more pixels so rather than us just having a single blend value, we've got more gradual steps which gives us a less harsh transition. So what can we do? Either soften the transition in some way or try to tone map the render.

vlado vray

Our problem with the renders is that 1.0 white is pretty much the brightest we can show on a normal monitor, so if you've got a really bright object beside a dark object and again due to your pixel res you've only got 1 pixel to blend them, you could end up with a blending pixel that's correct from a rendering point of view, but it's still over 1.0 bright so it'll give you a very crisp, blocky look.

vlado vray

If you've got a 10.0 pixel beside a 0.0 pixel the same thing again leaves you with (10.0 + 0.0) / 2 = 5.0. If you've got a 2.0 bright pixel beside a 0.0 pixel then again you get (2.0 + 0.0) / 2 = 1.0 or normal white. If you've got a 1.0 pixel beside a 0.0 pixel and you want to anti alias the edge, it'll probably just be a case of finding the average between the two, so (1.0 + 0.0) / 2 = 0.5 or a middle grey, all good. If we stick with brightness only values for our pixels (lets pretend they're grayscale float values - 0.0 is black, 1.0 is white, 10.0 is super bright) then the anti aliasing filter is going to try and make some blending pixels along the edges to more gracefully go from a light to a dark value. The major problem is that anti aliasing is attempting to make a smooth transition from one object to the next along it's edge. I guess it depends on the vraylight brightness and pixel render dimensions, correct?Yep you're right. Those settings haven't really helped that much.

Vlado vray